I'll see what I can knock up for you. I'll try and do an example of each and post them hereCan you share a phase plant patch so i can study it, or from mp?Is it possible to do this within phase plan itself? This sounds interesting but I'm not really sure what you mean here, are you aware of the video that explains this?You can set up parallel channels in Snap Heap and use an lfo to remap to switch between them using the gain knob on each channel. Can stack whichever fx you want in each channel as it’s modular and it’s free too.
Think it was on a Dash Glitch video. You can set a macro/lfo/random function and send this to multiple remaps. If we had four channels, the first remap would be at 100% from 0-25, the 2nd 100% from 26-50, then 100% 51-75, 100% 76-100.
If you want these in parallel so the fx ring out, set each channel gain to 0 and then connect the 1st remap to the 1st channel and repeat consecutively for the remaining channels. When you move through the remap, each channel will turn itself on/off depending on modulator position.
If tails don’t matter, you could go serial and use the remaps to move the mix from 0 to 100 for each channel
And yeah, this is possible in Phase Plant
Statistics: Posted by shonky — Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:24 am